
Confirmation at Cathedral on 29th June 2013


The Confirmation Service for over 70 newly batpised believers was performed by the Archbishop of the Provinces of South East Asia, the Most Revd. Datuk Bolly Lapok and assisted by the Very revd. Michael Buma Galami, Revd. Canon Gregory Chambers, Revd. Roannie Cannidy and Revd. Bradley Sangan.

The service started at 2.00pm on Saturday 29th June 2013 at the St. Thomas’ Cathedral. Over 200 parishioners, friends and witnesses attended the service.

Opening hymn was sung, followed by opening prayer, reading of the Epistle and Gospel. The Archbishop then addressed the congregation.

After the address, the Archbishop proceeded with the Decision, the Profession of Faith and the Confirmation and the Prayers.

The Archbishop then proceeded to lay hand on each candidate accompanied by the Dean until all the candidates had been confirmed before he gave his blessing.

Before the service ended, the Archbishop gave away the Certificates to all the confirmed candidates.

After the service, the congregation was feted to a buffet dinner.